Project Z Movie is directed by the CV Kumar and produced by SK Kareemunnisa under the banner SBK Films Corporation, the movie cast includes Sundeep Kishan, Lavanya Tripathi, Jackie Shroff and Daniel Balaji. Ghibran composed the music for Project Z.
Sundeep Kishan, Lavanya Tripathi and Jackie Shroff starrer mystery thriller ‘Project Z’, has been waiting for its release date since several months. After postponing the release many ti...Continue reading
‘Project Z’ that features Sundeep Kishan, Lavanya Tripathi and Jackie Shroff in major roles, is getting ready for release in the second week of September. The film is the telugu dubbed ...Continue reading
‘Project Z’ has completed the censor formality and is getting ready to release in the first half of September. Sundeep Kishan, Lavanya Tripathi and Jackie Shroff starrer Tamil science f...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan, Lavanya Tripathi and Jackie Shroff starrer Tamil science fiction thriller ‘Mayavan’, is being brought to the Telugu audience as ‘Project Z’ by SK Kareemunnis...Continue reading
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