The 2018 film 'Sye Raa' depicted the life of India's first freedom fighter, Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy. However, its narrative appeared to align more with the genre of a rural rebellion against the...Continue reading
"Name: NageswaraRao. Village: Stuartpuram..! Welcoming you all to my zone…THE TIGER ZONE (sic)," wrote Ravi Teja, unveiling the First Look of his Dasara release 'Tiger Nageswara Rao'. The T...Continue reading
Director Vamsee Krishna and producer Abhishek Agarwal of 'The Kashmir Files' fame are currently producing Ravi Teja's pan-India movie 'Tiger Nageswara Rao'. Announced in November 2021, the film is ...Continue reading
The first look of 'Tiger Nageswara Rao' was released in May. Today, its grand teaser was released by Abhishek Agarwal Arts. "The Invasion begins now and the hunt begins on October 20th (sic)," the ...Continue reading
Ravi Teja's 'Tiger Nageswara Rao' has locked its release date. The film will be released in theatres on October 20. The plan is to make the most of the festive holiday season. "This year, it is goi...Continue reading
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