The makers of Chandamama Kathalu have finally announced the release date as the 25th of April. Since 10th class exams will be over by the 11th and Degree exams are postponed to after elections,...Continue reading
It's official now that lion is ready to roar on 29th March and everyone is excited to watch the feast. But, what they don’t know is that there is a surprise waiting for them at the theaters. In the...Continue reading
Here is an another fascinating update from "Chandamama Kathalu" team, interestingly the team has developed an application for the viewers which connects directly to the makers of the film...all...Continue reading
“Time stands still for those in love”. 1972, Saritha is 18 and Mohan is 20. They are in love and want to get married. But, times were different back then. Sarithas’ parents are enraged by lear...Continue reading
Audio launch events are usually pretty regular and to the most part mundane. Most of the events focus on some dance performances and end by releasing the audio CD. This format has been happenin...Continue reading
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