Annapurna Studios’ prestigious movie ‘Manam’ starring Natasamrat Padma Vibhusham Dr Akkineni Nageswara Rao, King Nagarjuna and Yuva Samrat Naga Chaitanya is taking shape in the hands of director...Continue reading
Nag and Amitabh Bachchan have a special bonding right from the time of 'Khuda Gawah', which was made exactly two decades ago? Later the duo worked together in 2002 mythological epic drama. Recent...Continue reading
As the promos of ‘Manam’ indicate, Naga Chaitanya is pretty much playing the cool college guy of present generation with no flashback sequences to provide a back-story. Nevertheless his character w...Continue reading
Even before his debut movie as hero has hit the floor, Akhil Akkineni is all set to appear as a cameo in the much buzzed about Akkineni family heroes’ movie ‘Manam’. The film that sees three gener...Continue reading
Naga Chaitanya who is currently shooting for ‘Manam’ under Vikram Kumar’s (Ishq fame) direction, will next join the sets of Sudhir Varma, director of ‘Swamy Ra Ra’ film. BVSN Prasad will produce t...Continue reading
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