The music launch of the movie ‘Indrudu’ starring Vishal and Lakshmi Menon which is made under hero’s own production house ‘Vishal Film Factory’ and co-produced by UTV Motion pictures happened on 14th of April in Hyderabad amid prominent people of Telugu industry. This movie is directed by Thiru. The music and background score was composed by G V Prakash. The audio of this movie unveiled by the director Boyapati Srinu and the first CD is presented to K S Ramarao.
At the launch, Director Boyapati addressed the media saying, “Vishal is an energetic hero who attracts mass audience. Telugu industry and audience will always support good movies and therefore this movie”.
Vishal said, “The movie is about narcoleptic patient who sleeps whenever he feel bad, good, anger. On listening to the concept I agreed to do this. I am confident that this will give an identity to me and I can establish myself in TFI and the scores of GV Prakash are very catchy and audience will like the songs very much for sure”.
Other prominent people who attended the function are: Veeru Potla, Naveen Chandra, Sundeep Kishan, Thiru, Thammareddy Bharadwaj, Sesank, Vennelakanti, Sivaprasad, etc.