The Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM at Begumpeta, Hyderabad conducted a special programme with Hero Venkatesh. The programme is interaction with listeners, answering to the questions asked by them. During this programme Radio Mirchi played the songs from Venkatesh's latest flick Chintakayala Ravi for about an hour. At regular intervals he interacted with the listeners and answered to their questions patiently.
One lady by name Lakshmi raised a question after the song "Lakshmibava" why did he keep the chin beard similar to that of Vasu and whether any special place is there for music like Vasu?. He replied and asked her to carefully observe that there is a difference in the beard and said that it is not the same and the music is splendid. He exchanged the views of various listeners on Chinakayala Ravi very cordially. On the occasion he distributed gifts and prizes to the participants and winners of an earlier programme. The Managing Director of FM radio was also graced the occasion.