People Media Factory, a Premier Film Production House which produced hit Films like Venky Mama, Oh Baby and Goodachari is coming up with “Social Film Festival” which would be organized by People Media Social which is subsidiary of people media Factory.
Rules of the Film Film Festival
- Duration of each short film /video must be not more than 5 minutes
- The Topic is “Empowerment of Underprivileged women “ the Participants are supposed make short films based on the issues faced by women on grounds of social, economic, religious and cultural constraints of the society.
- The short Film /video has to be made at home, must not violate any quarantine rules of the state/country. PMS/PMF is not responsible for violations, the participants are to take the sole responsibilities of the violations.
- They can shoot it with any basic recording device (smart phone, DSLR), we are not expecting any dubbing, the camera /phone voice recording is good enough.
Please send your videos to [email protected], [email protected]
Languages: Telugu /English/Hindi
Awards: 1st Best Film: 1 Lakh Rupees, 2nd Best Film: 50,000 Rupees, 3rd Best Film: 25,000 Rupees
Film Festival Curator: Krithi Prasad
Film Festival Jury: Director Teja, Director Harish shankar , Director Nandini Reddy , Director VN Aditya and Director Bala Rajasekharuni
Festival Dates:
Last Date of Submission: May 15th, Official Selection List Announcement: May 22nd : Awards Announcement: May 31st. Shoot must happen between April 18 2020 to May 15 2020