Shriya Saran is currently doing a female-centric, multi-lingual film titled 'Gamanam'. Helmed by Sujana Rao, the film is a realistic drama that will release in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and...Continue reading
'Gamanam', which is produced by Kria Film Corp and Kali Productions, stars Shriya Saran, Priyanka Jawalkar and others. Directed by Sujana Rao, it is all set to release in theatres on December 10. S...Continue reading
Shriya Saran and Andrei Koscheev have been married since 2018. The news is that the superstar actress of the 2000s is now a mother. She became pregnant in 2020 during the lockdown months. After mon...Continue reading
'Appatlo Okadundevadu' which was released in the end of 2016 has left audience and critics in tears. Nara Rohit and Sree Vishnu have acted together in that film. The duo, who always entertains aud...Continue reading
Announcing the release date on the opening day of the film has become quite common in Telugu film industry. The release of ‘Paisa Vasool’ has been advanced by a month which left m...Continue reading
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