Shooting of Naga Chaitanya-Samantha starrer ‘Autonagar Surya’ was resumed recently and director Deva Katta became busy in wrapping up the patch work left. As per the reports, a song on Naga Chaita...Continue reading
Pawan Kalyan-Trivikram-BVSN Prasad’s ‘Attarintiki Daaredhi’ gets a new release date. Yes, the film which was initially supposed to release on August 7th got postponed to 21st and now the latest we...Continue reading
Actress Samantha will be joining the shooting sets of Deva Katta’s ‘Autonagar Surya’ from July 20th onwards. “Shooting from the 20th last 3 days of talkie portion of autonagar surya”, she mentioned...Continue reading
Samantha who recently got married to Naga Chaitanya Akkineni, has changed her official Twitter handle name. Samantha Ruth Prabhu is Samantha Akkineni now. The actress however has not changed her Fa...Continue reading
It's only a matter of few days that our next film, S/O Satyamurthy will be hitting screens worldwide and I'm overwhelmed with the amount of love you've showered upon us and our team. We're delight...Continue reading
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