The bilingual film titled ‘Vachchadu Gelichadu’ starring Jeeva and Taapsee is being brought to the Telugu audience by K V Venugopal under K V Films banner. His father KVV Satyanarayana is the pres...Continue reading
A lot of actors and actresses bag roles in movies because someone recommends their name to the director/producer. This is not necessarily wrong or inferior unless the person in question is being ca...Continue reading
Tapsee Pannu has bought a new home in the suburbs of Mumbai. She has moved into this new home along with her sister Shagun. Her home has a name and that is 'Shabby Chic'. It is being decorated with...Continue reading
Taapsee Pannu recently made an announcement regarding her production company. Named 'Outsiders Films', Taapsee Pannu has come up with her debut production with a movie titled 'BLURR'. Besides produ...Continue reading
Shooting of ‘Muni-3’ began in Chennai. This Lawrence-Taapsee starrer horror movie on comedy backdrop is being directed by Lawrence himself, who also became successful as producer by producing his ...Continue reading
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