Actress Eesha Rebba who has a decent following, is gearing up for a Malayalam movie. While many actresses are focusing on spending their leisure time with family during the pandemic, Eesha has chos...Continue reading
Promising hero Sumanth, who received appreciations with his recently released ‘Malli Rava’, is coming up with the film ‘Subrahmanyapuram’. Beeram Sudhakar Reddy is producing...Continue reading
Eesha Rebba will be doing her first female oriented film. This one has been titled Raagala 24 Gantallo, which is said to be a suspense thriller. The teaser of the film has been released and it has ...Continue reading
Nani's 'Awe' in which he will be debuting as presenter has got its release date. The film will be released on 16th February. Nani announced this in an unusual manner. He said, "Anni Cinemalandu Awe...Continue reading
As reported earlier, Eesha Rebba is going to play the lead in one of the parts of Telugu 'Lust Stories'. This part is being directed by Sankalp Reddy of 'Ghazi' fame. The latest update is Eesha ha...Continue reading
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