Shraddha Das is currently doing two Bollywood films. One is Madhur Bandarkar’s ‘Dil To Bacha Hai Ji’ and the other is ‘Lucky Kabootar’. The actress has just left to Chandigarh for a month long sh...Continue reading
YVS Chowdary’s ‘Rey’ which is on the US backdrop has been progressing in San Franscisco and New York for quite a long time. The film went on the sets last year and the shooting is still continuing...Continue reading
Georgia is a little known country tucked between the Black sea in the West and Caspian Sea in the East. The country forever was at war with the USSR and present Russia as recently as 8 years ago. T...Continue reading
'Arrdham', starring a host of actors, is an upcoming psychological thriller that weds entertainment with a message. Starring Mahendra, who acted as a child artist in 'Devi' and 'Peda Rayudu',...Continue reading
Under the banner UV Concepts, which is known to be the co-banner for UV Creations is bankrolling a movie titled "Ek Mini Katha'. Karthik Rapolu is all set to debut as the director for Ek Mini Katha...Continue reading
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