Varun Tej as hero, a film titled ‘Mister’ is being made under Srinu Vaitla’s direction. Nallamalupu Srinivas (Bujji) and Tagore Madhu are jointly producing the film on Lakshmi Nar...Continue reading
'Sasanasabha' is an upcoming political film that is going pan-India. Indra Sena is its main lead. The multi-lingual political action thriller has got a special song shot on the leading man and Heba...Continue reading
'Telisinavaallu' is an upcoming dark thriller produced by Syringe Cinema. Director Viplove Koneti is making this "genre-bending movie" as a family drama and mystery. As the teaser begins, we see t...Continue reading
Socio fantasy thriller ‘Angel’ starring Young hero Naga Anvesh, Beauty Queen Hebah Patel is releasing on November 3. Ahead of its release, its Hindi version’s satellite rights hav...Continue reading
Ram starrer Red is making news for all the right reasons. This film has three women playing the lead. They are Nivetha Pethuraj. Amritha Aiyer and Malvika Sharma. As if this much glamour was not en...Continue reading
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