The trailer for 'Adipurush' begins with Lord Hanuman narrating the timeless tale of Raghava, played by Prabhas. The titular character gets to speak only a few words, but his Maryada Purushottama sp...Continue reading
'Bhediya', the Hindi-language horror-comedy film, will be released in theatres in Telugu as 'Thodelu'. Starring Varun Dhawan as a youngster who gets possessed by a wolf, the film has got Kriti Sano...Continue reading
An event named Rama Koti Utsavam was held today in Hyderabad to celebrate the BO success of 'Adipurush'. While Prabhas didn't make it to the small-scale event, People Media Factory (which is the pr...Continue reading
Following the success of ‘Attharintiki Daaredhi’, Samantha and Praneetha teamed up for the second time in ‘Rabhasa’ opposite NTR. Interestingly both actresses are to reunite on a third film too! ...Continue reading
On Friday, soon after the early morning benefit shows of 'Adipurush', something untoward took place outside the Prasad IMAX multiplex theatre. A male person who trashed the movie got thrashed by a ...Continue reading
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