Arya and Anushka’s ongoing Tamil film ‘Irandaam Ulagam’ is taking a brisk shape in the hands of filmmaker Selva Raghavan. Some risky shots have been recently picturised in a snow storm in Georgia ...Continue reading
After Baahubali 2’s poster was released Anushka came under severe criticism. People started wondering how she got so thin. She had put on weight for the film Size Zero and was unable to lose it. ...Continue reading
The other day, the glimpse video of 'Ghaati' featured Anushka Shetty in the role of a ferocious killer. The heroine, who is also the film's 'hero', chops the head of a beastly villain, and proceeds...Continue reading
S S Rajamouli’s film Baahubali 2 is progressing briskly. News is that team Baahubali 2 is planing to wrap the shoot of the film by 27th December. Most crucial part of the film has finished its shoo...Continue reading
The first look of 'Rudramadevi' has been released today marking Anushka's birthday on November 7th. Anushka is essaying the title role in this Gunasekhar's prestigious movie. It's an upcoming ...Continue reading
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