'iSmart Shankar', which has Ram Pothineni as its leading man and will be directed by Puri Jagganadh was launched today officially. The regular shoot of the film will start from tomorrow in Hyderaba...Continue reading
'Double iSMART' is coming in the combination of Ram Pothineni, Puri Jagannadh and music director Mani Sharma. The film today recommended its shoot in Mumbai after months of delay. As per a stateme...Continue reading
Puri Jagan's film 'iSmart Shankar' is ready for release. Sadly the distributors do not seem to be much interested in this film. They are negative about the film. Added to this the recently released...Continue reading
'Double ISMART' was released in theatres yesterday (August 15). Its box-office performance, as per early trade reports, was underwhelming on the opening day. In the Telugu States, the Ram Pothinen...Continue reading
There has been a lot of news about Puri Jaganadh and Ram Pothineni's film. But the makers have not announced anything. The latest information is that the film will commence shoot in January. It wil...Continue reading
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