Bigg Boss is a Telugu reality show, aired on Star Maa. Jr. NTR hosting this show. It has become one of the most watched shows of the small screen and to keep the audience hooked, the makers are int...Continue reading
Venkatesh and Taapsee starring 'Shadow' which is being directed by Meher Ramesh and produced by Paruchuri Prasad under United Movies banner is going on at a brisk pace to hit theatres this April. ...Continue reading
Megastar Chiranjeevi threw his weight behind 'Mishan Impossible' (April 1st theatrical release) by attending the pre-release event of the movie as the chief guest. He was there to support the small...Continue reading
Multi-lingual actress Taapsee Pannu has sarcastically commented that she doesn't get to be a guest on Karan Johar’s show Koffee With Karan because her sex life is not interesting enough. It w...Continue reading
Rana-Nayantara bilingual film ‘Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum’ (Ongaram in Tamil) directed by Krish will be simultaneously released in both languages. But even before the release of this film, Rana bag...Continue reading
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