Nara Rohith and Nisha Agarwal starrer ‘Solo’ which was recently released is running in theaters with success talk. The film is directed by Parasuram and produced by Vamsikrishna Srinivas under SVK...Continue reading
Aadi-Nisha Agarwal starrer ‘Sukumarudu’ has completed its censor formality and obtained U/A certificate. The film is set for release worldwide on May 10th. This is said to be a clean family enter...Continue reading
Sai Kumar’s son Aadi entered the film industry with a successful movie ‘Prema Kavali’. His recent release ‘Lovely’ has made him reach the audience even further. His third film is likely to take o...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan’s ‘DK Bose’ is set to hit screens on this 27th. He is playing a cop in this film whose policy is eat money, drink money and smoke money. ‘DK Bose’ is a full-length comedy entertain...Continue reading
Aadi, Nisha Agarwal starring 'Sukumarudu' which is being directed by G. Ashok under Sri Soudamini Creations is expected to hit theaters soon. The unit had recently filmed a song on Aadi and Nisha i...Continue reading
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