Ram’s upcoming film Kandireega is going to hit the screens in July. Currently, the film is in the last leg of production and some patch work is being completed. Santosh Srinivas is making his debut...Continue reading
'105 Minutes' is an upcoming movie starring Hansika Motwani as the protagonist. The news is that it went on the floors today. A one-shot movie, it will be shot in real-time. Directed by Raju Dussa...Continue reading
Hansika Motwani will be seen as a lawyer in Tenali Ramakrishna Ba BL. Her first look in the film was released today. She celebrates her birthday today. The actress is very excited that she will be...Continue reading
What’s up with our dear Simbhu? Several years after separating from Nayantara, he started a hot relationship with Hansika and even announced his love on his twitter page and revealed the marriage ...Continue reading
We have already seen Mass Maharaj Ravi Teja as police officer on screen in sensational hit ‘Vikramarkudu’ and we know how powerful Ravi Teja will be in a police uniform. Now, Ravi Teja is donni...Continue reading
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