Saraswathi Creations has announced its second production with young actor Vikas Vashishta. Vikas who made an impressive debut with the movie 'Cinema Bandi' was seen in the role of a young, ambitiou...Continue reading
Vimal and Bindu Madhavi starrer Tamil film ‘Desingu Raja’ directed by Ezhil is being dubbed in Telugu as ‘Bhallala Deva’. Producer Ravipati Satyanarayana, who gained decades of experience in film i...Continue reading
'Newsense' is the title of an upcoming Aha Original, whose teaser was released a while ago. Starring Navdeep and Bindu Madhavi in lead roles, it is created and directed by Sri Prawin Kumar. Produce...Continue reading
‘Pilla Zamindaar’ starring Nani, Bindu Madhavi and Haripriya is a full-fledged entertainer being directed by Ashok G and produced by SS Bujji Babu. The shooting has been completed except for 2 son...Continue reading
Few social networking sites have literally shocked heroine Bindu Madhavi today. It is being publicised that she is on serious condition in hospital. The actress, who was unaware of the reports,...Continue reading
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