Charmi’s ‘Prema Oka Maikam’ is expected in theaters either during this month end or in the 1st week of July. Charmi will be seen in the role of a prostitute in the story that revolves around three...Continue reading
Charita Chitra’s ‘Prathighatana’ featuring Charmi in central role, which is being directed and produced by Tammareddy Bharadwaja has successfully completed the shooting part. M M Keeravani and cam...Continue reading
Charmi is all set sizzle alongside Nag in an item song in his forthcoming film ‘Damarukam’. This is the fourth time she is going to be seen in Nag’s film, the first three being ‘Mass’, ‘King’ and ...Continue reading
'Romantic', which is written by Puri Jagannadh, is directed by Puri's disciple Anil Paduri. The romantic entertainer, which recently received U/A certificate from the CBFC with no cuts, is co...Continue reading
A new pic of Puri Jagannnadh has been shared widely on social media. Even Charmme Kaur shared the filmmaker's new pic in which he sports a wide smile and trimmed hair. "Positive vibes all over. Dir...Continue reading
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