'Arundhati' was released in theatres on this date (January 16) in 2009. On Tuesday, Anushka Shetty took to social media to say that her character, Jejamma, gave her a special place in the hearts of...Continue reading
'Billa' is headed for a theatrical re-release on October 23. The film's 4K version is going to witness the biggest-ever re-release for an Indian film in the US. Radha Krishna Entertainments has sa...Continue reading
Dynamic director Gunasekhar, the producer and director of the prestigious project ‘Rudramadevi’, is making preparations to release this India’s first historical stereoscopic 3D bilingual film on Ju...Continue reading
Super hit movie starring Sweety aka Anushka Shetty – Size Zero is all set to premiere on Zee Telugu this Sunday. The women centric movie is based on the concept of loving oneself to the fullest no ...Continue reading
Baahubali is shooting at a brisk pace. The first part of Baahubali left an unanswered question which was, “why did Kattappa kill Baahubali?”. The answer to this question has been filmed at the RFC ...Continue reading
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