'Odela Railway Station', written by Sampath Nandi, is a crime thriller. Presented by Smt Lakshmi Radhamohan and produced by KK Radhamohan, it is being directed by debutant Ashok Teja. The news is t...Continue reading
Hebah Patel is getting popular. Thanks to her latest release ‘Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada’. Though she entered Tollywood with the film Ala Ela, it did not give her much success. It was with Kumari ...Continue reading
The theatrical trailer of 'Andhhagadu' has been released and it has taken the internet by storm.The hilarious trailer, which also suggests that the film has good action,thrill and romance, has got ...Continue reading
Ram starrer Red is making news for all the right reasons. This film has three women playing the lead. They are Nivetha Pethuraj. Amritha Aiyer and Malvika Sharma. As if this much glamour was not en...Continue reading
Daughter loves her father very much and her father is the loving and caring father for his daughter. When the daughter grows up, three guys enters into her life as boyfriends. Who are those guys? W...Continue reading
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