Young Talented Hero Naga Anvesh teamed up with New filmmaker Bahubali palani for his second film titled Angel which is based on the comedy, action and socio fantasy script. The film boasts an ense...Continue reading
Raj Tarun’s next film has got its title. It will be known as ‘Andhhagadu’. Hebah Patel has been paired with Raj Tarun in this film. The title was announced by A K Entertainments who are producing t...Continue reading
'Andhhagadu' has already been showing profits to the distributors. The film moved past the break-even point and has already entered the profit zone. The film has grossed Rs.12 crores in 5 days and ...Continue reading
Hit pair Raj Tarun and Hebah Patel teamed up once again for 'Andhhagadu', which is being produced under A.K.Entertainments India Pvt.Ltd banner as production no.10. Successful writer Veligonda S...Continue reading
The makers of a different love story ‘Kumari 21F’, are planning to for audio launch on October 31. Even before the release of the film, several bigwigs in the film industry are giving their support...Continue reading
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