The First Look and Title of PVP Cinema’s Bilingual Entertainer, starring Nagarjuna Akkineni and Karthi, directed by Vamshi Paidipally, will be released on Sept. 18, 2015. The film also stars T...Continue reading
The pre-release event of 'Bholaa Shankar' was held on Sunday ahead of the film's theatrical release on August 11. Speaking on the occasion, producer Anil Sunkara began his speech by thanking Meher...Continue reading
Milky beauty Tamannaah has no qualms in doing special numbers. She sizzled in many super hit songs in the recent times. Now, there is an interesting update regarding the special remix number in Nag...Continue reading
We all are aware that Asin was subjected to the ire of Tamil cinema due to her role in a movie (Ready) which had shots taken from Srilanka. Due to the long standing dispute between Tamils and Sril...Continue reading
It was not easy for Tamannah to give something she loved, something she grew up on. But she did it for her dear pet dog Pebble. Tamannah stopped eating non veg food as a sacrifice for her pet d...Continue reading
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