Young and talented hero Vishwak Sen is all set to entertain the audience with his upcoming love story titled 'Paagal'. The film has Nivetha Pethuraj as the female lead alongside Vishwak. The makers...Continue reading
Jayam Ravi and Nivetha Pethuraj as hero and heroine respectively, ‘Tik Tik Tik’ is an upcoming thriller film directed by Shakti Sounder Rajan. Padmavathi Chadalawada is producing the fi...Continue reading
Producer Raj kandukuri after his block buster ‘Pellichoopulu’ is producing ‘Mental Madhilo’ with introducing new director Vivek Athreya from short films and the movie has ju...Continue reading
Chadalawada Brothers have carved a special image in Tollywood as tasteful producers with Bichagadu and 16. Now, yet another different film ‘Tik Tik Tik’ is coming on the same banner. &l...Continue reading
'Das Ka Dhamki' stars Vishwak Sen as the hero. Produced by Karate Raju of Vanmaye Creations and Vishwaksen Cinemas, the film is written by Prasanna Kumar Bezawada. Nivetha Pethuraj is its female le...Continue reading
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