Sudheer Babu and Aditi Rao Hydari as the lead pair, renowned director Mohana Krishna Indraganti is directing a rom-com. The title ‘Sammohanam’ has been confirmed for the film. On Thursd...Continue reading
Nani is enjoying the success of his film Jersey. It is the second biggest hit in his career. Meanwhile his 25th film was launched today. The film has been titled as 'V'. This film also stars Sudhe...Continue reading
With promising actors, Sharwanand and Siddharth in the lead roles, the movie Maha Samudram is being made. Aditi Rao Hydari and Anu Emmanuel essaying the female lead roles, 'Maha Samudram has ...Continue reading
Aditi Rao has tweeted. Some website has published a news that she has replaced Samantha in the upcoming film Maha Samudram. This one will be directed by Ajay Bhupati. The actress is angry because ...Continue reading
Action love story which is being made with Karthi and Aditi Rao Hydari as lead cast, has wrapped up censor formality and received clean ‘U’ certificate from censor board members. Now, t...Continue reading
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