On Wednesday, Samantha Akkineni celebrated her 34th birthday in a low-key manner. Given the sober situation in the country, the star actress kept it to a bare minimum. And, like a true fan, Charan...Continue reading
Samantha Akkineni is a dream heroine for a number of actors down South. But the star actress herself has got a dream hero in Bollywood. In a recent interview, the 'Oh Baby' actress bared her...Continue reading
Samantha Akkineni is on a high. She has two hit films in her kitty this year. As if this is not enough she is working on the remake on Tamil film 96. Sharwanand is the hero of this film. Samantha ...Continue reading
Young tiger NTR, who’s currently shooting for Harish Shankar’s ‘Ramayya Vasthavayya’ will complete his shooting part and join Santosh Srinivas’s ‘Rabhasa’ team on September 26th. NTR and Samantha a...Continue reading
Samantha starrer film directed by Nandini Reddy has got its title. This is a woman-centric film, inspired by the Korean film 'Miss Granny'. Samantha gets to play the role of a 60 year old who finds...Continue reading
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