Tamil actor-director Uday Mahesh's character in 'The Family Man 2' has become a social media mania of late. Although his is not a full-fledged character in the web series, Netizens can't have enoug...Continue reading
As the release date (September 23rd) is nearing, the ‘Dhookudu’ unit is gearing up to complete the shooting part of the film. On the other hand, the post production works are also going on at a fa...Continue reading
Recently, a doctor slammed Samantha Ruth Prabhu for promoting hydrogen peroxide in one of her health podcasts. At that time, she defended herself as a non-expert, saying that she was only following...Continue reading
Samantha Ruth Prabhu has faced not-so-pleasant experiences in recent weeks, with the media saying that she was in the US to undergo treatment for a skin disorder. Now that she is back in Hyderabad,...Continue reading
Samantha, who played the lead in the Telugu & Tamil remakes of Kannada hit 'U Turn', is said to have been approached for the Hindi remake as well and the 'Oh Baby' actress has reportedly reject...Continue reading
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