Om Namo Venkatesaya directed by K Raghavendra Rao was censored by the Censor Board. The film was given a clean U certificate. Staring Nagarjuna, Anushka Shetty, Pragya Jaiswal and Saurabh Jain, th...Continue reading
Anushka Shetty recently accepted a Malayalam film titled 'Kathanar - The Wild Sorcerer' in which she is rumouredly playing a ghost named Neeli. Mollywood actor Jayasurya is playing a priest in it. ...Continue reading
Since its release last year, Baahubali – The Beginning has been showcased at major International film festivals around the world. The International cut of the film has released worldwide in over 30...Continue reading
'Billa' is headed for a theatrical re-release on October 23. Prabhas' birthday is being most awaited by his fans for the same reason. On Thursday, the makers released a trailer. "We have loaded it...Continue reading
S3 or Yamudu 3 had locked its release date for Indian Republic Day, 26th January. Initially the makers planned to release the film in December, but the film was moved to January. We are just 10 day...Continue reading
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