Budugu is an intense and engaging family thriller written and directed by Manmohan. Based on real life incidents, the film depict some mysterious and shocking things that happen in the life of ...Continue reading
Laxmi Manchu's designer dog, named after the Greek god "Zeus" is making his debut in the film "Chandamam Kathalu". We all know that Laxmi Manchu is already a part of the film. Will Zeus be acti...Continue reading
The shooting of Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna’s new film ‘Lakshmi Bomb’ is progressing at a fast pace in Hyderabad. 'From Sivakasi' is the tagline. Vella Mounika Chandrasekhar and Uma Lakshmi Narasimha a...Continue reading
Lakshmi Manchu has been silent for a while. She does not have many plush projects in hand. There is a movie ‘Lakshmi Bomb’, which has not made much noise. Lakshmi Manchu has also not go...Continue reading
The bold and beautiful multi-talented actress Lakshmi Manchu narrowly escaped a nasty fall on Wednesday night while she was shooting in the backwaters in Alleppey, Kerala for an English movie ‘Basm...Continue reading
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