Charmi’s ‘Prema Oka Maikam’ is expected in theaters either during this month end or in the 1st week of July. Charmi will be seen in the role of a prostitute in the story that revolves around three...Continue reading
Puri Jagannadh, who was present at the pre-release event of Vijay Devarakonda's first production, 'Meeku Maathrame Cheptha', said that 'Fighter' will be a 'next level' film. "Vijay Devarakonda's f...Continue reading
Charmee was questioned by the SIT officials today. They interrogated her for around six hours. Charmee appeared at the Excise office in Nampally at 10.30am and left at 5pm. If sources are to be bel...Continue reading
'iSmart Shankar', which has Ram Pothineni as its leading man and will be directed by Puri Jagganadh was launched today officially. The regular shoot of the film will start from tomorrow in Hyderaba...Continue reading
As known to all, Charmi plays a prostitute in the movie ‘Prema Oka Maikam’. The film also stars ‘Happy Days’ fame Rahul and ‘Premisthe’ fame Sharanya in key roles. Chandu of ‘Tenth Class’ and ‘Not...Continue reading
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