Starring Vidyut Jamwal, Adah Sharma and Esha Gupta in the lead roles, the huge action film ‘Commando 2’ will reportedly hit theaters on March 3. It is the sequel to the super hit action...Continue reading
Adah Sharma's 'Question Mark', a thriller directed by Vipra, is being produced by Gouri Krishna. The project has managed to complete the shoot despite the challenging circumstances. Shot in the jun...Continue reading
Simbhu, who enthralled audience with super hit films like ‘Manmadha’ and ‘Vallabha’, is now coming up with yet another romantic comedy film ‘Sarasudu’. Nayantara...Continue reading
After two consecutive successes with 'Ishq' and 'Gunde Jaari Gallantayyinde', Nithin is now heavily banking on Puri Jagannadh's 'Heart Attack' to hit a hat-trick. The film which is supposed to...Continue reading
Stylish Star Allu Arjun and Mesmerizing Dialogue writer Trivikram’s ‘S/o Satyamurthy’ which was released grandly on April 9, had grand openings and is running successfully in all areas with a super...Continue reading
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