Maa TV who has launched dance show Nach Baliye in Telugu has approached the actress to be one of the judges on the show. "Adah who is known to be very selective with her films has a huge fan follow...Continue reading
Adah Sharma's 'Question Mark', a thriller directed by Vipra, is produced by Gouri Krishna. Shot in the jungles of Hyderabad and Maharajapuram, the film is in the news for a good reason. The makers...Continue reading
After receiving a phenomenal response for the theatrical trailer of Kshanam from Tollywood celebrities - Bollywoood critics - common audiences and friends, the team of KSHANAM has come up with some...Continue reading
Puri Jagannadh is known for announcing the release date of the film either on it's launching day or few days after that and stick to it. However when it comes to his latest film 'Heart Attack', he...Continue reading
'The Kerala Story' has been boycotted in Tamil Nadu and banned in West Bengal. In TN, exhibitors pulled out of the movie voluntarily. They believed that protests might go out of control, damaging p...Continue reading
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