Raj Pippala’s romantic crime story ‘Bangaru Kodipetta’ starring Navdeep and Swathi was made on comedy backdrop on Guru Films’s banner. The film starts off with a point where three different storie...Continue reading
‘Love Journey’ is the Telugu dubbed version of a Tamil super hit film which was directed by Sripathy Rangaswamy. The film features Jai, Shazahn Padamsi and Swathi in lead roles and has music by Sa...Continue reading
In a promotional interview for 'BRO', Sai Dharam Tej revealed that he was doing a short film. The same is going to be released soon. On Tuesday, the teaser for a song from the musical short was unv...Continue reading
Shooting of Nikhil and Swathi starrer ‘Swamy Ra Ra’ has reached the final leg of shooting. Right now the shooting is taking place in Hyderabad. Nikhil plays the role of a pick-pocketer who falls ...Continue reading
Nikhil-Swathi’s latest movie ‘Karthikeya’ has come to the finishing stage. The last leg of shooting that will begin on 15th in Hyderabad will be wrapped up by the month end. ‘Karthikeya’ is b...Continue reading
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