'Puli-Meka' is the title of an upcoming Zee5 web series starring Lavanya Tripathi, Aadi Saikumar and Suman in key roles. Directed by K Chakravarthy Reddy, the series is a crime thriller. The launch...Continue reading
King Nagarjuna is playing the dual role and producing a family entertainer ‘Soggade Chinni Nayana’ under Annapurna Studios banner with Kalyan Krishna as director. The latest schedule related to thi...Continue reading
Supreme hero Sai Dharam Tej and Lavanya Tripathi as the lead pair, a huge budget film is being on CK Entertainments Pvt. Ltd banner with sensational director VV Vinayak as director and prominent pr...Continue reading
Varun Tej starrer 'Antariksham' was censored today. The film was given a U certificate with no cuts. Directed by Sankalp Reddy this film is having Lavanya Tripathi and Aditi Rao as its leading wome...Continue reading
Ace producer Allu Aravind as presenter, a family and love entertainer ‘Bale Bale Magadivoy’, starring Nani and Lavanya Tripathi as the lead, has completed the shooting part except for two songs...Continue reading
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