Disney+ Hotstar is ready with a Telugu-language web series. Titled '9 Hours', the same has been created by Krish Jagarlamudi, who is its show-runner. The news is that the series will start streamin...Continue reading
Nandamuri Tarakaratna’s first socio-fantasy film will kick off shortly under the direction of debut director Venkat Pampana. Nandan Gaud will produce the film on Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Films...Continue reading
Here is the dynamic first look of NANDAMURI TARAKA RATNA from the movie RAAJAA MEERU KEKA.. The members of NANDAMURI family shows their unique dedication in justifying any kind of role. In this mov...Continue reading
Kota Film Corporation and N R B Art Productions banners are jointly coming up with Tarakaratna starrer ‘Nandeeswarudu’. The film has completed its shooting part and presently in post production wo...Continue reading
'9 Hours', starring Taraka Ratna, Madhu Shalini, Ajay and others, will stream on Disney+Hotstar from June 2. On Tuesday, the team of the film spoke about the crime thriller at an event held in Hyde...Continue reading
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