A budding filmmaker named Varanasi Surya, who comes from a journalism background, has brought out a film titled 'Ganda'. Starring newcomers, the film is inspired by the concept of 'Zero Budget Poli...Continue reading
'OG', starring Pawan Kalyan, was supposed to head to theatres on September 27 without fail. Even as recently as in April, producer DVV Danayya of DVV Entertainment asserted that the release date wo...Continue reading
Anupam Kher has been roped in for a significant part in Pawan Kalyan's 'Hari Hara Veeramallu'. The Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh is set to share the screen with the Bollywood artist for t...Continue reading
Tips Industries has made a new announcement regarding its latest acquisitions in the field of cinema music. The music rights of two of the important Telugu films of 2022 are with the company. Sama...Continue reading
The song 'Bhaje Bhaje' from 'Gopala Gopala' has rocked all the music charts in just a couple of days. It has generated so much excitement amongst the Pawan Kalyan and Venkatesh fans, that the power...Continue reading
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