'Mithai', a dark and surreal comedy, is directed by debutant Prashant Kumar. The film stars Kamal Kamaraju, Ravi Varma, Rahul Ramakrishna, Priyadarshi, and others. The unit has successfully wrappe...Continue reading
'Agochara', starring Kamal Kamaraju and Esha Chawla, has gone on the floors. It's currently being shot in exotic locales in Uttarakhand. An adaptation of 'Julia Eyes', a Spanish thriller film, it ...Continue reading
‘Creative director Sekhar Suri, who delivered the super hit movie like ‘A Film By Aravind’ is now coming up with its sequel ‘Aravind 2’. ‘Ee Rojullo’ fame Sree is playing the lead role in this fil...Continue reading
Kamal Kamaraju of ‘Avakai Biryani’ and ‘Kalavaramaye Madilo’ fame is all set to tie the knot with Supriya in December. As per the sources, it’s an arranged marriage. Supriya pursued engineering f...Continue reading
Sekhar Suri’s suspense thriller ‘Aravind 2’ starring ‘Ee Rojullo’ fame Sree, Kamal Kamaraju, Madhavi Latha, Adonica, Avasarala Srinivas and others is ready for release on March 29th. However, Kama...Continue reading
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