'The Ghost' is heading to theatres on October 5 for Dasara. The high-octane and explosive extravaganza has Akkineni Nagarjuna as an Interpol agent named Agent Vikram. A while ago, Nag and director...Continue reading
'Death Game' is an upcoming thriller starring Amar Nath Reddy, Bhanu Sri, Soni, Suraya Parveen and others. Directed by Cheran, the film is a suspense thriller produced jointly by KC Suri and Rajase...Continue reading
Title for Nag’s new socio-fantasy flick has changed from ‘Damarukam’ to ‘Dhamarukamm’. The movie is releasing worldwide tomorrow and the makers have released the new posters indicating the change ...Continue reading
Bigg Boss Telugu 5 is being hyped as one of the most entertaining reality shows. With King Nagarjuna as the host, the reality show has seen good TRP's in the past two weeks. Also, the current seaso...Continue reading
A Mahesh Reddy, the chairman of AMR group, has handed over a cheque for Rs.1 crore to Andhra Pradesh CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy as his contribution to help fight the Corona Virus pandemic. AMR is the...Continue reading
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