'Pachchis' is an upcoming movie produced jointly by Kaushik Kumar Katthuri and Ramasai on Avasa Chitram and Rastha Films. A crime thriller, the film is directed by the Sri Krishna-Rama Sai duo. Cos...Continue reading
Nag conveyed his desire to work with Sekhar Kammula in the ‘Life is Beautiful’ audio function. After launching the audio CDs, Nag in his speech said, “Sekhar Kammula is inviting me to all his audi...Continue reading
Nagarjuna starrer ‘Shirdi Sai’ is presently progressing at Kulu Manali. A few key scenes involving Nagarjuna and few other supporting artists is being canned there. K Raghavendra Rao is wielding ...Continue reading
'The Ghost' is heading to theatres on Oct 5. The high-octane and explosive extravaganza is in the news because a song from the movie was released today. Titled 'Vegam', it is sung by Kapil Kapilan...Continue reading
Nagarjuna has started shooting for his next film. He will be staring in Raju Gaari Gadhi 2. This film is a sequel to the hit film Raju Gaari Gadhi. The actor tweeted, ‘back in business with R...Continue reading
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