'Pachchis' is an upcoming movie produced jointly by Kaushik Kumar Katthuri and Ramasai on Avasa Chitram and Rastha Films. A crime thriller, the film is directed by the Sri Krishna-Rama Sai duo. Cos...Continue reading
Soggade Chinni Nayana starring Nagarjuna in dual role came to theatres during Sankranthi this year. It was one of the successful film that year 2016 saw. Nagarjuna reveled in the role of Bangaraju ...Continue reading
Director Kalyan Krishna Kurasala has visualized the first song in 'Bangarraju' as a Nagarjuna-centric one. Composed by Anup Rubens, the song was released earlier today. Crooned also by the 'Wild D...Continue reading
The first look of Sumanth’s new movie Naruda DONORuda was launched by Akkineni Nagarjuna. The first look evoked immediate interest considering its unique and amusing content. The film is present...Continue reading
That Nagarjuna will star in the sequel of Raju Gaari Gadhi is old news. The latest is that this film will be launched on the 27th of November. The shooting of this sequel will commence from January...Continue reading
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