Manchu Manoj’s new film will hit floors in February. Yes, the actor is all set to do a film under Sai Ratna Creations banner which earlier produced ‘Panchakshari’ with Anushka. Nagarjuna’s pers...Continue reading
Suraksh Entertainments India pvt. Ltd. is the prestigious banner which gave us the experimental entertainer "Surya Vs Surya". This film turned out to be a good hit in 2015. Now producer Mr. Shi...Continue reading
Manchu Manoj, who always craves to do something different in each of his film, is penning lyrics for a song in his latest flick ‘Mr Nokia’. The film is already on the sets and presently progressin...Continue reading
Manchu Manoj is an elated man today. He has fathered a baby girl. His wife, Mounika Bhuma, and the child are healthy. It was Lakshmi Manchu who broke the news to the world: "The child is nicknamed ...Continue reading
Hero Manchu Manoj has expressed his deep anguish on the brutal murder of Pranay who was killed in the name of honour. "This is to all out there who think Caste and Religion is Bigger than Humanity...Continue reading
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