'The Raja Saab', starring Prabhas in the lead, is up for a grand theatrical release on April 10, 2025. People Media Factory unveiled a video titled 'Fan India Glimpse' in July. Since then, nothing ...Continue reading
The happening banner People Media Factory is producing a period drama titled 'Maa Kaali'. To be released in Telugu, Bengali, and Hindi, its Teaser is out. Based on the infamous Direct Action Day, ...Continue reading
'Spark L.I.F.E' is the title of an action thriller starring debutant Vikranth in the lead, who is also its director and producer. Touted to be made as a technically brilliant movie, the film co-sta...Continue reading
Sharwanand will now be called a Charming Star. People Media Factory's TG Vishwa Prasad mentioned the cognomen as an informal, friendly gesture during the pre-release event of 'Manamey' on Wednesday...Continue reading
Trivikram will next be doing a film with Allu Arjun in his capacity as a director. Meanwhile, he will continue to produce movies with his wife Sai Soujanya on Fortune Four Cinemas. The latest buzz...Continue reading
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