Actress Bhagyashri Borse has bagged a big-ticket project produced by Mythri Movie Makers. RAPO22 is the one. The untitled film stars Ram Pothineni in the lead. "The recent sensation Bhagyashri Bor...Continue reading
Vivek Siva and Mervin Solomon, who have composed music for a handful of Kollywood films, will be making their Tollywood debut with RAPO22, Ram Pothineni's movie. Director Mahesh Babu P and the prod...Continue reading
Ustaad Ram Pothineni's 22nd movie aka #RAPO22 will be launchedon November 21. Mythri Movie Makers is bankrolling it. Helmed by Mahesh Babu P of 'Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty' fame, the film is a "con...Continue reading
Actor Ram Pothineni, who was recently seen in 'Double iSmart', is gearing up for his film under director P Mahesh Babu of 'Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty' fame. Mythri Movie Makers made the project, to...Continue reading
Ram Pothineni is scheduled to team up with director Harish Shankar for a movie to be produced by Krishna Kommalapati of 'Krishnamma' fame. The project was firmed up in 2022. Finally, after two year...Continue reading
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