Ram Pothineni is scheduled to team up with director Harish Shankar for a movie to be produced by Krishna Kommalapati of 'Krishnamma' fame. The project was firmed up in 2022. Finally, after two year...Continue reading
Ustaad Ram Pothineni's 22nd movie aka #RAPO22 will be launchedon November 21. Mythri Movie Makers is bankrolling it. Helmed by Mahesh Babu P of 'Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty' fame, the film is a "con...Continue reading
Actress Bhagyashri Borse is doing Ram Pothineni's movie produced by Mythri Movie Makers. Referred to as RAPO22 for the time being, the film is directed by Mahesh Babu P of Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty...Continue reading
'Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty' director P Mahesh Babu delivered an assured hit last year. The film, starring Naveen Polishetty and Anushka Shetty as the lead pair, was produced by UV Creations. For a ...Continue reading
Actress Bhagyashri Borse has bagged a big-ticket project produced by Mythri Movie Makers. RAPO22 is the one. The untitled film stars Ram Pothineni in the lead. "The recent sensation Bhagyashri Bor...Continue reading
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