The First Look Motion Poster of 47 Days (The Mystery Unfolds), produced under Title Card Entertainment, was unveiled. Pradeep Maddali has directed the suspense thriller and it stars Satya Dev, Pooj...Continue reading
On the occasion of actor Satya Dev's birthday, the makers of his upcoming movie 'Godse' released an interesting poster. The birthday poster features Satya Dev in an intense, yet engaging look. Wit...Continue reading
'Skylab', touted to be a period comedy with sci-fi elements, features Satyadev Kancharana, Nithya Menen and Rahul Ramakrishna as villagers. Helmed by Vishvak Khanderao, its story is set in 1979, wh...Continue reading
Megastar Chiranjeevi thinks Satyadev Kancharana is going to be a superstar in the future. There is little doubt that his words are a form of hyperbolic speech. Satyadev, who plays a wily antagonis...Continue reading
The teaser of 'Uma Maheswara Ugra Roopasya', directed by Venkatesh Maha of 'C/o Kancharapalem' fame and produced by Praveena Paruchuri and 'Baahubali' producers Shobu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni...Continue reading
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