Ali Reza, who is well known to the Telugu audience with the TV serial ‘Pasupu Kumkuma’, is making his debut as hero through a film ‘Gayakudu’. The film is touted to be a romantic entertainer and th...Continue reading
'Grey' is an upcoming spy thriller directed by Raj Madiraju. Produced by Kiran Kallakuri, the film stars Prathap Pothan, Aravind Krishna, Ali Reza, and Urvasi Rai in the lead. Produced by Adwitiya ...Continue reading
Ali Reza and Sita Narayan as hero and heroine respectively and veteran actors Vijaychander and Geetanjali as key roles, a film ‘Ram NRI’ is being produced by Muvva Satyanarayana under N Lakshmi Nan...Continue reading
Aadi Saikumar, who was seen in the January release 'Atithi Devobhava' recently, will next be seen in 'CSI Sanatan'. Produced by Chaganti Productions, the title stands for 'Crime Scene Investigation...Continue reading
Aadhi Saikumar is currently doing a film under Chaganti Productions. Launched on Dasara, its regular shooting has commenced today in Hyderabad. The shoot is on at a residence in Kokapet. Besides t...Continue reading
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