'Vikky The Rockstar', directed by CS Ganta, is touted to be a novel film boasting a distinctive concept. Produced on a rich scale by Flight Lieutenant Srinivas Nuthalapati (IAF), the film's title l...Continue reading
Star Director Shankar has crafted the film ‘I’ in the range of Hollywood films with Chiyan Vikram as hero. High budget movie maker Aascar Ravichandran is producing this film with an estimation of 1...Continue reading
It has been a while that we saw Kollywood's actor Vikram on screen. Now he is back with the film Mr. KK. This is a thriller and is being made in Tamil and Telugu. It has Akshara Haasan in it and wi...Continue reading
As known to all, Vikram is presently working for Shankar’s romantic thriller ‘I’ costarring Amy Jackson and Malayalam actor Suresh Gopi. A R Rahman is providing the music and P C Sriram is handlin...Continue reading
‘Siva Thandavam’ starring Vikram, Jagapathy Babu, Anushka, Amy Jackson and Lakshmi Rai is ready for to hit screens worldwide on September 28th. Directed by A L Vijay, the Telugu version of this ac...Continue reading
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