The pre-look of 47 Days (The Mystery Unfolds), produced under Title Card Entertainment, was unveiled on the occasion of Dusshera. Pradeep Maddali has directed the suspense thriller and it stars Sat...Continue reading
The first single, 'Aanandam Aaratam', from 'Uma Maheshwara Ugra Roopasya', directed by Venkatesh Maha of 'C/O Kancharapalem' fame and produced by 'Baahubali' banner Arka Media Works and 'Maha...Continue reading
Youngsters are coming up with new concepts and impressing audience and industry people as well. Not just on making films, they are coming up with innovative ideas with the first look itself. Now, i...Continue reading
The standard opener, the one we all know is, "Appatlo Okadundevadu (Once upon a time there lived a man)." Nara Rohit is coming up with a new film titled ‘Appatlo Okadundevadu’ directed ...Continue reading
We all know that Tamil film ‘Saturanga Vettai’ was a super hit. The story of the film which depicts the difference between ambition and greediness was well received by Tamil audience. E...Continue reading
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